cropped Fishguard Food Festival Logo

Fishguard Bay Food and Drink Festival

Gŵyl Fwyd a Diod Bae Abergwaun

A celebration of delicious food grown and cooked locally. Our Festival is a  family-friendly celebration of the land with food stalls, chef demonstrations and street theatre. For the young and young at heart. For those who love nature, farming and growing or just love to eat drink and be merry among friends and family. Join us for a Progressive Supper, vote for the Fishguard Dish and come along to the traditional Cawl Crawl. Save the dates!

Dathliad o fwyd blasus wedi ei dyfu a’i goginio’n lleol. Mae ein Gŵyl ni yn ddathliad cyfeillgar i deuluoedd o’r tir gyda stondinau bwyd, arddangosiadau cogyddion a theatr stryd. I’r ifanc a’r bytholwyrdd. I’r rhai sy’n caru natur, ffermio a thyfu neu ddim ond yn caru bwyta, yfed a bod yn llawen ymysg teulu a ffrindiau. Ymunwch â ni am Swper Blaengar, pleidleisiwch dros ddysgl Abergwaun a dewch draw i’r Crôl Cawl traddodiadol. Cadwch y Dyddiadau!

The first Fishguard Food Festival was from October 21st to November 4th has been widely acclaimed as a great success.

The Fishguard Food Festival

The incredibly successful Food Festival happens every year October/November

James Hunt writes…

A Big Thank You to everyone for making the Fishguard Food Festival 2023 such good fun.  We all have some great memories to cherish.

The Agony

The Ecstasy

The Progressive Supper

The Festival Supper

The Festival Supper was a wonderful celebration of young and young at heart  in an enterprising and caring community. Here are some highlights.

Your Towns Need You

We are looking for volunteers to join the 2024 Festival team.  Email Eilish on


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